Quarterly Articles & Economic Scene
Workforce Updates
The ROI of Human Capital Investment
December 15, 2021
People are our greatest asset.” Have you heard or perhaps said that before? It’s amazing how many leaders let that statement roll off their tongue and never take steps to fully develop their team. Before any business leader makes that claim, some self-examination needs to occur. Leaders should start by asking questions like...
Economic Development Quarterly
Launching Tech Careers Through Immersive Learning
December 15, 2021
Demand for advanced manufacturing workers is growing in Volusia County. That’s great news since many of the career opportunities, like Advanced Manufacturing Technician (AMT), are financially rewarding and very stable. But many of these opportunities require complex skills that take a lengthy commitment to learn and master. For those willing to make the commitment, there are now multiple paths to get you there, like FAME and the FloridaMakes IMT apprenticeship program.
Economic Development Quarterly
Corporate Culture - Your Competitive Advantage
December 15, 2021
Nationally, a staggering one in four employees quit their jobs in 2021 and more are expected to do so by the end of the year. The “Great Resignation,” as it has come to be called, has become a critical concern in most business circles. Not surprisingly, survey after survey, including one recently conducted by the Volusia Business Resource partners, found that employers are struggling to replace skilled staff who have left, leaving critical shortages.
Workforce Updates
If You Can’t Find Them, Grow Your Own. Future Workforce Preparation
December 15, 2021
Today’s workplace is growing and changing in ways few imagined even two decades ago. Generational expectations, technology and most recently a pandemic have left employers with workforce-related demands that only the largest companies can potentially meet. For others, it’s a need that only a community can come together to satisfy. Even nationally recognized researchers acknowledge that future workforce preparation will require a new and broader approach to learning.
Economic Development Quarterly
Can’t Find the Ideal Employee? Read Below! Creative Ways to Find New Employees
December 15, 2021
What do they call it when you keep doing things the same way over and over again but expect different results? Comically, the word “insanity” comes to mind. Professionally, the words “ineffective and costly” are more accurate. Overall, businesses have been using the same hiring techniques for years. And they worked – until recently. Today there’s no mistaking the fact that the hiring times are a changin’ and workforce recruiters need to adapt.
Economic Development Quarterly
Shifting Focus to Employee Recruitment, Retention & Expansion
December 15, 2021
Did you know that Volusia County’s workforce (in pure numbers) is the largest it has ever been? Yet our most recent Volusia County business survey continues to overwhelmingly list workforce as a top issue.